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Non-Genuine Raw Materials – Dangerous Hazards Of Manufacturing Equipment

Non-genuine raw materials usually appear in the customer's choice. Because this material supplier offers very attractive advantages. Price is up to 40% cheaper raw material. Thus, the cost of inkjet printing of the business is reduced significantly. This leads to lower product prices. Increase the competitiveness of enterprise products in the market.

Do corporate profits increase with the use of non-genuine ingredients? The correct answer is no. Moreover, non-genuine raw materials have many potential hazards.

Raw materials of unknown origin, quality does not guarantee a lot of harm. This material is not professionally researched to be compatible with date inkjet printers.

Frequent production stops abruptly. Warranty period, repair, replacement parts prolong. And above all, non-genuine materials shorten the life of the printer.

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Nguyên liệu không chính hãng

How does non-genuine material affect machinery and equipment?

  • Cause head blockage.
  • Congestion filter.
  • Exposure to ink.
  • Damage to some of the features of the toner maintenance system.
  • The printer stops operating abruptly. Maintain regular printer.
  • Cost of repairing, replacing components increased. Benefit from the maintenance package of the printer manufacturer is not guaranteed.
  • Date inkjet printer seriously downgrade. Lower quality prints.
  • Printer problems frequently occur.
  • Downtime for ink rinsing, ink cleaning and hygiene.
  • The ink cartridge structure is uncertain. Flush ink and solvent. Raw material loss, the machine is dirty by the ink flowing out.
  • The print is deformed during the ink drying process.

In addition, ingredients of non-genuine ingredients do not guarantee “green”. Not friendly with the environment. Harmful to health. Production environment is polluted.

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Nguyên liệu không chính hãng gây hư hại máy in

When choosing non-genuine raw materials, the business must admit a lot of damage. These suppliers have no commitment. The materials they provide are unknown. Ingredient composition is not guaranteed. These units do not have sufficient technical skills. No new technology updates. So they are not committed to quality ink, solvent.

The reason is the price difference. The supplier of non-genuine raw materials is strong hand “pull” money of the business.

As the costs incurred after using non-genuine materials are very low. But the truth is that it costs a lot of money. The cost savings when buying cheap materials does not cover the costs incurred later. The benefits of low cost are small compared to the risk of cheap materials.

Especially, during the warranty period. Printers will not have genuine warranty support if the cause of the malfunction is due to components or external materials.

So how to identify non-genuine raw materials?
  • Price is cheaper than genuine material but no commitment to quality.
  • Packaging design of non-genuine raw materials is not sophisticated, sharp. The ink cartridge is not sealed and matches the ink cartridge position. Inks are spilled out due to not being sealed tight.
  • Ingredients are not clearly stated. Do not specify compatibility with specific machines.
  • Poor print quality, easy peeling.
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Nguyên liệu chính hãng & Nguyên liệu không chính hãng

Get genuine ink and videojet material:

  • Exquisite design, sharp. Compact cartridge structure, just plug in the cartridge and run the machine.
  • Researched and developed with the criteria of green technology, clean. Updated technology, modern. To protect the health of the users and friendly to the environment.
  • Commit to ensure the longevity of the machine. Reduced wear and tear. Improve performance.
Huynh Long is the exclusive distributor of Videojet products. Customers ordering Videojet materials from Huynh Long will be absolutely guaranteed.

Use genuine materials as your business is protected from hazards.

Address: Lot J35, Phu Nhuan Residential Area, 659 Do Xuan Hop, Phuoc Long B Ward, Thu Duc City, TP. Ho Chi Minh
Hotline: (+84) (28) 3592 6789 / 028 2253 5672 / 0961 166 388


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